Partners with Leading Telegram Community DAO to Expand Access to Web3 Investment Opportunities
10 min readDec 27, 2023

-- and the Telegram Community DAO have announced a strategic partnership to provide the DAO’s members with innovative automation tools for managing digital assets.

Introduction, a leading provider of blockchain automation solutions, has partnered with one of the largest Telegram DAOs to expand access to Web3 for its 50,000+ global members. will help create a secure automated Telegram bot for the community, that allow members to easily participate in governance, claim tokens for educational content, and provide liquidity to new projects.

The bot will also help purchase LP tokens and navigate projects. The partnership aims to streamline the user experience while maintaining strong security.’s also participating in DAO through special token allocation for investors.

— “’s solutions perfectly align with our vision of making crypto accessible to all. This collaboration will unlock tremendous value for our global community members.”

Artem, the Communications Lead of Telegram Community DAO

Projects Background Info has established itself as a trailblazer in the field of blockchain automation, leveraging advanced cryptography and open-source technologies to democratize access to blockchain technology with its user-friendly UI similar to Zapier. With a proven track record of providing top-tier solutions, has gained the trust of numerous prominent institutions in the industry.

Try automated workflows with

Telegram Community DAO, on the other hand, has emerged as a powerful force in the world of decentralized communities. With a vibrant and passionate user base, Telegram Community DAO has fostered an environment of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective decision-making via burning CVT tokens:

Learn about Telegram Community DAO:

— “Tookey is a perfect fit for our community and projects, as it allows for fast MVP prototyping without writing any code. This makes it a powerful tool for developers and entrepreneurs who want to create and test new crypto ideas quickly.”

Artem, the Communications Lead of Telegram Community DAO

Partnership Goals and Objectives

The Partnership between and Telegram Community DAO is driven by a shared vision to empower the community and enable broader participation in the crypto ecosystem.

By aligning their resources and expertise, the companies aim to achieve the following objectives:

  • Empowering the Community: allocates tokens for Telegram DAO. Allows active participation and high returns.
  • Enhancing User Experience: assists Telegram DAO bot development. Enables seamless navigation, token claims for tasks, and engagement rewards.
  • Streamlining LP Token Purchases: establishes a bot process for convenient and secure LP token purchases.
  • Promoting Transparency: Bot updates provide comprehensive project details. Fosters trust and informed decisions.
  • Automating Data Collection: Building the automated framework for seamless data collection and secure storing.
  • Building Nurture: Creation of automated follow-ups based on the user journey and churn moments to raise the conversion rate.

— “Partnership with Telegram Community DAO is a great chance for both companies to showcase the real benefits of advanced blockchain technologies by making them accessible to wider audiences with no technical background.

Aler Denisov, CEO of

Benefits to Customers

The partnership between and Telegram Community DAO brings an array of benefits to customers, including:

  • Access to Exclusive Opportunities: Community members will have the chance to actively participate in the project and earn high returns through the allocation of project tokens.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The Telegram bot framework will provide users with an interactive and user-friendly experience, allowing them to seamlessly navigate the ecosystem and claim rewards effortlessly.
  • Educational Resources: Users will have access to educational materials and informative content through the Telegram bot, enabling them to expand their knowledge about the project and the blockchain industry as a whole.
  • Simplified Token Purchases: The streamlined LP token purchasing process within the Telegram bot will make it easier for users to participate in liquidity provision and the project’s token economy.

Industry Impact

The partnership between and Telegram Community DAO has the potential to redefine industry standards and drive innovation in the blockchain space. By democratizing blockchain security and empowering the community, this collaboration sets a precedent for user-centric partnerships and paves the way for increased adoption of decentralized technologies.

— “We’re delighted to work with such an engaged Web3 community. By providing our tools and expertise, more people can benefit from decentralized technologies through an easy-to-use local Telegram gateway. Looking forward to see more communities implementing automation features and DAO mechanics.”

Vasily Shilov, COO of


When the Telegram Community DAO approached us about automating their operations and customer experience, we saw an opportunity to pioneer a new level of seamless crypto integration. Their goal of providing an engaging and rewarding platform for Telegram members aligned flawlessly with the vision of democratizing blockchain technology with automation.

Chapter 1 — Identifying Flows

Our first step was analyzing the current process flows and identifying pain points. We discovered that manual transactions, documentation gaps, and a lack of incentivized onboarding created friction at every stage of the member journey. With tons of great content and features, the DAO simply needed a way to guide users smoothly through the experience.

When we first began mapping out the user experience, it was clear we needed significant input from the DAO members themselves. That’s why my team suggested having a collaborative design session directly with the Telegram Community DAO leadership.

Using Miro's virtual whiteboard, we arranged to brainstorm the ideal customer journey across multiple attempts. Representatives from the DAO joined the online session ready to provide their perspectives. Over a week, we schemed, revised, and debated pathways through their existing and planned offerings.

Telegram Community DAO User Experience Map Made by

The goal was to educate even non-crypto native users while maximizing engagement. We wanted to identify natural checkpoints to provide just-in-time learning through the experience itself. After many revisions, we landed on a design that introduced users to core concepts in a way optimized for self-guided discovery.

V1 of Automated Flow of Telegram Bot Messages

Key to this was deploying an interactive questionnaire in the initial Telegram bot experience. Based on responses, it would direct members to personalized pathways through documentation, guides, and educational content.

This content was formulated to be easily digestible directly within the preferred chat platform. By automating the delivery of the most relevant information at the right time, we aimed to remove barriers that had previously led to high dropout rates.

V2 of Automated Flow of Telegram Bot Messages with Interactive Questionnaire

With the customer journey map finalized thanks to the collaboration, my team began implementing the technical components and automated messages needed to bring the vision to life seamlessly in the Telegram experience. The results have shown this approach to be highly successful in achieving the goal of educating and retaining users every step of the way.

Chapter 2 — Flows In Action

Once the customer journey map had been finalized, my team sprang into action to develop the automated infrastructure behind it. We began by deploying a Telegram bot specific to the Community DAO using’s robust building tools.

TWA Telegram Bot

This bot formed the backbone of the user experience, interfacing with members at each predefined touchpoint. Whether providing educational resources, rewarding achievements, or facilitating tasks, it streamlined interactions within the familiar Telegram interface.

TWA Telegram Bot

Leveraging’s automation, we seamlessly linked the bot’s messaging to incentivized activities and the DAO’s rewards program, while collecting data records about users via automated pipeline (Chapter 4).

Completing tasks and absorbing learning materials now directly resulted in tokens being airdropped to users’ secured crypto wallets. Transaction approval was handled behind the scenes, removing cumbersome steps for members.

To make the experience fully hands-free, the bot was programmed to autonomously reach out to users based on their progression. Prompts encouraged progression to the next stage, while notifications and reminders reinforced messages to boost engagement and retention. Automated follow-ups ensured no one fell through the cracks. Interface: Showcasing Automated Followups for Users Based on Their Journey Insights and Churn Moments

The result was a fully-orchestrated customer journey brought to life through technology. Members could now effortlessly interact within their preferred Telegram environment to gain rewards, knowledge, and involvement with the DAO. All without the friction that had previously hindered mass adoption.

— “Collaboration represents a powerful union of expertise and community-driven innovation. Together, we aim to revolutionize the crypto landscape, contribute to the Telegram (TON) Ecosystem, and empower users worldwide.”

Aler Denisov, CEO of

Chapter 3 — Connecting Payments

Connecting crypto payments was a critical part of streamlining the user experience for the Telegram Community DAO. As their integration partner, we understood removing financial friction was key.

Together with the DAO leadership, the team mapped out the most popular cryptocurrencies used by their target audience. Integrating flexible options like Bitcoin, Tether, and TON would cater to members’ unique needs.

Payment processing via Telegram Bot

Using Tookey’s robust toolkit, we built lightweight payment flows directly into the existing Telegram bot. Members could seamlessly fund their wallets without ever leaving the speed and convenience of their chat platform. Interface: Showcasing Automation of Payment Processing and Order Creation

A “Pay with Crypto” button was added to prompt areas where additional support was encouraged. Funds were instantly deposited into individual secured digital wallets for safekeeping.

The results were staggering. Payment completion rates soared by 300% as users avoided tedious onboarding to whole new apps. DAO sponsorship programs also increased by 200% with such low barriers to participation.

Costs were minimal on our end too, relying largely on pre-existing integrations. Maintenance is streamlined through Tookey’s no-code workflows.

By living up to the promise of seamless Web3 accessibility, we’ve empowered DAO community to realize their full potential through meaningful cooperation and support.

Chapter 4 — User Tracking

Optimizing the user experience was paramount. To truly understand engagement, we needed visibility into each member’s journey.

That’s why Tookey team proposed building an automated user tracker utilizing Tookey’s powerful yet privacy-focused infrastructure. Leveraging their no-code tools, we implemented a simple consent-based tracking solution directly into the onboarding bot experience. Interface: Showcasing User Tracking Automation

Now, basic anonymized metrics were securely captured for each new member such as interaction dates, step completions, and identifiable user information like Telegram ID. This data provided golden insight without compromising privacy.

All tracking data was stored in an encrypted off-chain database for analysis. Tookey’s solution allowed filtering and aggregation while keeping individual member data anonymized and secure.

Armed with these insights, we could identify bottlenecks, measure campaigns, and ensure the perfected customer journey was driving results. Struggling users were also flagged earlier for targeted assistance.

The streamlined experience and actionable analytics have helped propel this DAO’s growth. Now weare excited to expand these tailored solutions to even more Web3 communities.

Chapter 5 — Automated QA (BONUS)

However, enabling self-guided learning also required addressing documentation gaps. To provide reliability at scale, we trained an AI assistant from AwesomeQA on the DAO’s existing educational materials.

This virtual helpdesk was connected to the Telegram Community DAO support chats to autonomously answer common governance, technical, and product questions from users. By surfacing consistent, fact-based responses directly in Telegram, members had confidence all their inquiries would be addressed quickly in their preferred environment.

Together, these integrations erased final hurdles to participation that had previously discouraged some from fully engaging. With finances and information needs seamlessly met, users could now dedicate complete focus to the DAO experience itself.

Chapter 6 — Launching Marketing & Leveraging Partnerships

In the next phase, Telegram Community DAO will be launching targeted marketing campaigns to drive new users to experience the streamlined journey firsthand. will be assisting DAO along the journey, making sure this case performs brilliantly. Leveraging DAO's pre-existing partnerships with platforms like TonRaffles, we enabled instant token sales and fair launches you can participate today!


Stay tuned for an update on how the first campaign performs and more insights on our journey to improve blockchain usability at scale. With continued testing and optimization, we believe this integrated approach can benefit DAOs worldwide and decentralized projects across multiple industries.

In the next Articles, we will be highlighting insights on performance and the current state of partnership connected with analytics, valuable insights, and improvements we considering making.

Thank you for reading part 1 of 3 articles about our partnership with Telegram Community DAO. Exciting times ahead!

Note: This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an endorsement of any specific project or token.

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